About Airlangga University :
Currently, Universitas Airlangga has 14 faculties and 1 graduate school with 167 programs on various levels, including academic programs, vocational, and specialists.
- Academic programs consist of three levels of education:
a) Undergraduate programs with 39 study programs
b) Postgraduate programs with 46 study programs
c) Doctoral programs with 13 study programs
- Vocational and professional education programs consist of:
a) Level 3 Diploma with 18 study programs
b) Level 4 Diploma with 3 study programs
c) Professional education with 7 program, which are school of Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists, Veterinarians, Midwives, Professional Accounting, and nurses
d) Program for Specialist 1 (Sp1) with 33 programs
e) Program for Specialist 2 (Sp 2) with 8 programs
Based on the data as of 30 September 2015, the number of active students of Universitas Airlangga is 38.047 students, distributed in all of the programs.
Based on the data in September 2015, the human resources in the Universitas Airlangga consist of academic staff and educational staff. Academic staff consists of permanent academic staff as many as 1522 people with details status of 1472 of Civil Servants (PNS) and 49 of Non-civil servant. Non-permanent academic staff with the status of distinctive lecturer as many as 223 people and honorary lecturer as many as 113 people.
Recapitulation of permanent academic staff based on the education background is as follows:
- Academic staff with Bachelor degree (S1) as many as 156 people
- Academic staff with Magister degree (S2) and Specialist 1 (Sp1) as many as 885 people
- Academic staff with Doctoral degree (S3) as many as 481 people
The number of educational staff consists of 2002 people in 1129 who were civil servants, 7 people with non-permanent employee status of civil servants, and 866 people with honorary status.
Recapitulation of the educational staff based on the education background is as follows:
- Educational staff with Magister degree (S2) as many as 43 people
- Educational staff with Bachelor degree (S1) as many as 591 people
- Educational staff with Bachelor degree (S1) of Professionals as many as 32 people
- Academic staff with Diploma degree as many as 326 people
- Academic staff with education level of Senior High School as many as 825 people
- Academic staff with the education level of less than Senior High school (Junior High School & Elementary School) as many as 181 people