English Plus One is looking for 1 native speaker. Immediate start.
School Name: Benchama Maharat School (Public School)
City/Town: Ubon Ratchathani city
Salary: 34,000 baht/month
Contract: Immediate start-March 15th, 2018 (10 months)
About the area: Hospital, Tesco, groceries, bus station, and restaurants
Age group: ONLY TEACH 1 LEVEL (MATTAYOM 2,14 years old).
Subject: English for Communication
Total number of foreign teachers: 4
Teacher hours per week: 15 teaching hours , only do 1 gradebook (7.45 am to 4.30 pm Mon-Fri). FROM JULY TO JAN. ONLY 4 SCHOOL DAYS. YOU WILL GET 1 DAY OFF EVERY WEEK.
School Website: http://www.benchama.ac.th
Accommodation: About 3,000 – 3,500 baht/month (a/c, wi-fi, hot water), small cooking area.
Requirement: Degree holder
This school is one of the best schools in Thailand
Get paid during the school break in October (The break is 1-2 weeks)
Teacher training from professional trainers
Assistance in finding accommodations
Work permit and visa fees covered
Teaching license from the Ministry of Education
Non-B visa
24/7 assistance from the agency
Email: englishplus1@yahoo.com
Cell: 080-333-4635
Skype: Englishplusone
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EngPlusOne/