Peace And Happiness Foundation, which provides free Bi-lingual Program education to the poor children of Thailand, is seeking qualified primary school teachers from a native English speaking country to teach mainly Grade 1 students at a primary school in Chiang Rai (about 50 Kms from Chiang Rai Airport).
The applicants should:
· have experience in teaching young children, preferably primary students
· have a degree in education or a post graduate teaching certificate (PGCE or equivalent); and
· preferably be from Australia, England, Canada, America, New Zealand and South Africa. Other nationals will be considered if having a neutral accent.
The position is to start before May 2016.
The teachers will teach English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and ITC to their own Homeroom class (first graders) and teach English to older classes. The class size in general is not more than 20 students.
The initial contract will be until the end of March 2017 and extendable.
The successful applicant will receive a salary and accommodation is provided if single.
**Please let us have your Skype ID and your personal email address so we can set up a Skype call.
If you are in Thailand, please let us have your mobile number. Thank you.
Tel. 0816150660