Sompanya School

Vientiane Prefecture, Laos
13 Vientiane Prefecture LA

About this school : 

Sompanya is a private and not-for-profit school with kindergarten, primary and lower secondary levels (as the school develops it will grow to include upper-secondary also). The kindergarten was established in 2009, with the primary and secondary levels starting in 2011. Sompanya maintains a low teacher to students ratio. Currently there are 31 teachers and 280 students.

Sompanya in Lao means “according to one’s own potential wisdom”. It is the realization of wisdom, that one will practice sustainable living. The founder believes that genetically every child is born with some types of innate intelligences . They can be grouped in three different types: physical, emotional, and intellectual intelligences. Or one can simply refer to them as: The Head, Heart and Hands. The purpose of Sompaya is to create a model school with a holistic approach to teaching and learning where children’s Heart, Head and Hands are developed in synchronicity as they grow and develop, in order to reach their full potential of wisdom.

he school is designed to be a community of discoverers, learners and doers. It aims to be a catalyst to coach interested teachers and parents throughout Laos. Here, young students will learn to program their own learning, to help each others and to help communities. It uses the community’s environmental and social contexts as real life laboratory to experiment and learn from. The learning is child-centered, brain based and activity based. The themes and activities are selected according to the interests of the students. Teachers play the role of managers and facilitators of learning.

Sompanya is one of PADETC’s Learning Centers. Each of the centers focus on specific key areas of sustainable living and development. Students from Sompanya will have first hand experiences in these centers.

Sompanya School is currently in the process of registering as a Non Profit Association (NPA).

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