Asean schools and teaching jobs > Laos School, Schools Directory

Laos School, Schools Directory

Ban Dongdok, Meuang Xaysettha, Nakhon Vientiane
About this school :  The National University of Laos (NUOL) was officially established by merging the existing higher education institutes which were under the supervision of several miniread-more -->
1.00 (1 review)
Lao-Thai Friendship Road, Post Box 4348 Sokpaluang Village, Sisattanak District Vientiane LAO PDR.
About this school :  Kiettisack International School (KIS) was first established in Vientiane in 1992. It was founded by Dr. David Marian and Chansanga Valakone with only 7 students, underead-more -->
Ban Phonephanou Xaysettha District, Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR.
About this school :  At WMS our goal is to prepare our young students to be happy, intelligent and well-behaved adults with an array of academic, emotional and physical strengths. Classesread-more -->
23 KaolioRd Dankham Vientiane
+856-21 26 3984+856-21 26 3984
+856-20 5555 5778, +856-20 2227 7688+856-20 5555 5778, +856-20 2227 7688
+856-21 67 0909
About this school : Sanaphay English College is the English school that started since 2002 read-more -->
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Route13South Xaysavang Vientiane
+856-21 73 2098+856-21 73 2098
+856-20 5550 9758+856-20 5550 9758
+856-21 73 2098
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096 08 Phonxay Vientiane
+856-21 45 3543+856-21 45 3543
+856-21 41 2540
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319 22 ThongtoumSt Savang Vientiane
+856-21 26 3803+856-21 26 3803
+856-20 7770 4560+856-20 7770 4560
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02 SisavatSt SisavatTai Vientiane
+856-21 21 3914+856-21 21 3914
+856-20 2249 2071+856-20 2249 2071
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24 02 Route13South Keosamphan Champasak
+856-31 21 4112+856-31 21 4112
+856-20 5553 0006+856-20 5553 0006
Ban Saphanthongnuea, Sisattanak District, Vientiane, Laos
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068 04 PhonpapaoRd PhonpapaoThong Vientiane
+856-20 2242 9004, +856-20 7771 8163+856-20 2242 9004, +856-20 7771 8163
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Nakhouay Vientiane
+856-21 47 0175+856-21 47 0175
Showing 1 - 12 of 201 results