PJC Virtuoso Music School

Unit 9 & 10, First Floor, Block A, Hassanin Complex, Kg. Delima Satu, Spg. 42, Jln Muara BSB BB4713 Brunei Darussalam
Spg 373 Jalan Muara Brunei-Muara BN

About PJC Virtuoso Music School : We aim to provide quality music education for children and adults, based on a philosophy of nurturing the total development of the whole person in ear, mind and heart.

Our proposed approach focuses on the process of learning, with emphasis on making music learning a joyful and enriching experience. This approach provides a good balance between imparting practical skills and knowledge, and fostering a sustained lifelong interest in music.

The G-Clef or Treble Clef is a symbol located at the beginning of a staff to indicate the pitches of the notes placed on the lines and spaces of the staff. The Logo makes use of the G-Clef to replace the letter “S” in the word “Virtuoso”. As you would start any musical piece with a G-Clef, you too would start your musical education here with us at PJC Virtuoso Music School.

The word “Virtuoso” means a musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style. It is here at PJC Virtuoso Music School that we aim to be a centre of excellence for the teaching of music and vocals and where singers and musicians are trained to be “virtuosos” in their own right.

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