Mandarin Teacher for St. Mark's International School (Nov 2015)

900 New Rama 9 Road, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Thailand
New Rama IX Road Bangkok Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10240 TH

St. Mark’s staff are recruited on the basis of their commitment to excellence in education, experience, academic training, and character.  Most importantly, our teaching staff is committed to contributing to a caring and creative environment, within which our students are able to grow and learn.

Currently our School seeks to employ candidates for the following position/s:

 Qualification Detail
 Mandarin Teacher
– Possesses at least a Bachelor degree in Teaching
– Able to communicate effectively in English
– Possesses at least 2 years of teaching experience
November 21, 2015
Full Time
Required Qualifications
Bachelor Degree
Date Posted
Salary (฿ per month)
฿ to ฿ / Month
Salary (฿ per hour)
฿ to ฿ / Hour
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