Redeemer's International School Thailand- RIST

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6/2 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 184, Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Min Buri, Bangkok 10510 Thailand
+66 (0) 2916 6257+66 (0) 2916 6257
+66 (0) 2916 6279

Address: 6/2 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 184, Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Min Buri, Bangkok 10510 Thailand

philosophy Image Redeemer’s International School is established to train children in the way of the Lord so that when they grow up they will not depart from the path of the light of the gospel of Christ as stated in Proverbs 22 v 6 which says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it” The school is set up in an age when moral decadence has engulfed the nation at large. We have the assurance that as the pupils embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ they will be saved from this state of moral decadence, endemic corruption, etc. We believe in a transformation of their lives by the touch of God, Himself, by the teaching of christian values, ethics, principles and the word of God. All children who pass through the school will have transformed lives and become exemplary members of their community and our nation at large. Redeemer’s international school works on the basis of the scripture quoted in Isaiah 54 v 13 that says “And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord and great shall be the peace of thy children. Redeemer’s International School focuses on a combination of excellence in character formation and academic achievements.

Our well integrated curriculum is designed to give a broad based education to produce a well rounded and developed child. We also give consideration to the curriculum designed by the State Ministry of Education, to ensure that the child is well prepared to pass the Entrance Examinations in his/her last year to the secondary Schools of choice.

 Curriculum to be taught include: Mathematics, Physical Education, Integrated Science, French, Yoruba, Igbo, Christian Religious Knowledge, English language, Social Studies, Music/Movement, Art, Vocational Studies, Sex Education and Information Technology
 Nursery children are taught Phonics from the playgroup class. Nursery children are able to read before moving to class one of the Primary School.
 Art and handwork are at the centre of infant education, encouraging self-expression and developing manual co-ordination. The School provides adequate facilities, which would expose the children to the widest form of education such as music, drama, science, games and craft.
 Visits to museums, factories, art exhibitions, theatre, concerts and various places of interest are encouraged through planned school excursions.

Screen shot 2014-04-03 at 12.03.59 PM.png 10 years ago
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