About Andalas University :
1 . The Beginning Period
Andalas University as pride university for people of West Sumatra is not taken for granted . Desire of people of West Sumatra to establish a university had grown since the beginning of 20th century. It was possible because at that time the intellectual class and scholars who are concerned with the education of the nation were appeared. However, the Dutch colonial government did not give the slightest chance to make it happen .
The idea of establishing a university in West Sumatra were elicited again when Indonesia Independent were proclaimed Ir.Soekarno and Drs.Mohammad Hatta. Leaders of West Sumatra aware that the young generation need education. They were expected to fill the independence and bring change and prosperity of the nation in the future. However, since at that time was War of Independence against the arrival of the Dutch colonized Indonesia who want to recolonize, the desire had been suppressed.
The desire was able to realized in 1948 by establishing 6 (six) academy which consisted of the Civil Service Academy , Academy of Physical Education , and A Certificate of English, Cadet Academy , and Polica Academy. These six academies were located in Bukittinggi. The success of these academies encouraged the leaders of West Sumatera to iniciate establishing a university .
In 1949 the Indonesian government were planed to establish the Faculty of Law in Padang, Faculty of Medicinein Medan and Faculty of Economics in Palembang. However, due to various constraints, the Indonesian government decided to pospone the plan.
As a result of this delay, ” Sriwijaya Foundation ” took the initiative to establish a Center for Higher Education of Pancasila Law ( BPTHP ) in Padang on August 17th, 1951. Followinf the Sriwijaya step, government e agreed to establish the College of Teacher Education (PTPG) in Batu Sangakr on October 23th, 1954, the State Universities of Agriculture in Payakumbuh on November 30th, 1954, and the Faculty of Medicineand Faculty of Natural Sciences in Bukittinggi on September 7th, 1955. These college was inaugurated by the Vice President of Drs . Mohammad Hatta. By the time passed by, Sriwijaya Foundation also hand over the BPTHP to the Government of Central Sumatra. Since then BPTHP was renamed as Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge. [1]
These five faculties were initiate the establishing of Andalas University. [2] Since it is a first university in Sumatra, then Bung Hatta suggested the name : ” Andalas University “, [ 3 ] with reference to the name of Sumatra island which is popular as Andalas island. [4] Even though the name was considered as regional, but its existence was still within the framework of Indonesian nationality. It was clearly stated in its founding charter : ” … in order to raise welfere for Indonesian nation with wide definition in various Science”. In addition, the symbol is also mention the words: “Andalas University for Prosperity of Nation”. On September 13 th, 1956 Vice President Drs . Mohammad Hatta inaugurated the opening of Andalas University in Bukittinggi.
In 1958, for the first time Unand officialy deliverer its graduates Mr. Rudito Rachmad as the first scholar of law degree. The following year the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge also graduated four scholars, they were Mr . Herman Sihombing, Mr . Zawier Zienser , Mr . Eddy Ang Ze Siang, and Mr . Djalaluddin Ilyas.
2 . Andalas University and PRRI
Political situation in Indonesia was getting hot after President Sukarno decided embrace Indonesian Communist Party ( PKI ) in his administration. This policy was not approved by many parties, especially from the Islamic and anti- communist military groups. In addition, the centralized system which was implemented by the central government had also created imbalances in regional development. Considering the President Sukarno decison, on December 1st, 1956 , a few months after inaugurating Unand, Mohammad Hatta resigned as Vice President. Thus , it was the end Dual-Debut: Soekarno – Hatta. Some political and military leaders also agreed to “warn” the government by initiated PRRI ( Revolutionary Government of Republic of Indonesia ) on February 15th, 1958 . They decided to make Central Sumatra, West Sumatra in particular, as its base.
Many faculty and students of Unand aggreed with PRRI. In fact , West Sumatra students who were studying in several universities in Java also returned to support PRRI. As a result , President Sukarno sent Indonesian Forces Army to extenguish PRRI, and also crushed campuses of Unand which spreaded over several cities: Padang , Bukittinggi , Batusanggkar , and Payakumbuh as well as newly built in Baso, Agam. The political situation at that time was not conducive to carrying out educational activities. Lecturers who were invited from abroad, mainly from Europe, were decided to return to their countries while some others were moved into Gadjah Mada University (UGM), University of Indonesia (UI), and the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB). During PRRI (1958-1961) was considered as ” ups and downs ” of Andalas University. Unand assets including campus in Payakumbuh, official residence, and some lands are occupied by the Army up until now and become the headquarters of one of the infantry battalions of 133/Yudha Sakti.
3 . Universitas Andalas After PRRI Up Until Now
Along with the end PRRI, Unand aranged its step for the future. In 1961 Unand reopen the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Medical Science, and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) by located the campus in Padang . However, Faculty of Exact Science and Natural Science were able to open a year later which only one department, Department of Biology .
Collage of Economics which was established by the Pancasila College Foundation of on September 7th, 1957 also joined Unand. On October 9, 1963, Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Unand were open. It was the first faculty which established in Indonesia. Thus, until 1963 Unand already had 6 (six) faculties, including Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge, Faculty of Agriculture , Faculty of Medical Science, Faculty of Exact Science and Natural Science, Faculty of Economy, and Faculty of Animal Husbandry. The Guidance and Counseling had evolved into Teacher Training Institute (Institute of Teacher Training and Education) and now changed its name as Padang State University (UNP) .
After a move to Padang , Unand begun to organizethemselves, not only in organization, faculty, administration, and student affairs, but also infrastructure by constructing buildings, laboratories, libraries, faculty housing, student dormitories, and other supporting facilities. Air Tawar campus was built for the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Exact Science and Natural Science, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, and Faculty of Teacher Training (now : campus UNP). The Faculty of Economics was located in Jati (Currently : Faculty of Economics, Non-Regular Program and Faculty of Dentistry) . While the Faculty of Medicinewas located in two locations : Campus Jati and Pondok(now : Campus of Department of Midwifery). Faculty of Law was remain in the old campus in Parak Karambia (now : Campus D3 programs of Faculty of Law). Old Rectorate of Unand which were located on the campus Jati (Perintis Kemerdekaan Street No. 77, Padang) now is functioned as the office non-regular program of Faculty of Economics and some of the building are currently re-built as Dental Hospital, Faculty of Dentistry Unand.
In 1962 , the number of lecturers Unand were 261 people, including 180 outstanding lecturers and visiting lecturers. The number of students were 3,920 people. Thus Unand have ratio of faculty-student 1 : 15. Moreover, all faculties had also successfully completed their first bachelor, Faculty of Agriculture : 4 graduatess (1964 ) ; Faculty of Economics : 5 graduatess (1965 ) ; Faculty of Medicine: 6 doctors (1965 ) ; FIPIA ( Department of Biology ) : 1 graduates (1969 ) ; and Faculty of Animal : 1 graduates (1970 ) .
In 1982 the Faculty of Letters, began to accept students for the first class. Initially the faculty was named Faculty of Literature and Social-cultur, later renamed in order to fit with Decree of Directorate of Higher Education. Consequently, the Department of Sociology and Anthropology Sociology Program was also opened and temporarily joint with the Faculty of Letters.
Both programs were embryo to establish the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (Social). Therefore both faculties are considere as two brothers : “older brother” and “younger brother” which located on Jl . Situjuh , Jati , previously a Labor of Physiology Faculty of Medical Science. (now: Printing and Publishing House of Andalas University and Rector’s official residence ). In 1986 the Faculty of Letters successfully completed seven (7 ) first graduatess. Faculty of Literature in 2011 changed its name into the Faculty of Humanities .
Next , Unand opened Department of Mechanical Engineering and Deparment of Civil Engineering (1985), which were the forerunner of the Faculty of Engineering. The administration of both depatments were under management of Faculty of Natural Sciences (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), [5] while in educational activties Unand was in cooperation with ITB to provide lecturer. In 1992 60 students successfully completed their studies from both deparments. A year later (May 13, 1993) the establishment of the Faculty of Engineering was approved by General Directorate of Higher Education .
Meanwhile , PAAP ( School of Administration and Company Education ), which was opened by Faculty of Economics (1975 ), in 1982 turned into a Diploma III (D -III) Economics. Unand also pioneered in opening of two non-degree of Technology (1982 ): Polytechnic of Technology and Polytechnic of Agricultural. Both non-degree programs, Polytechic of Technology and Polytechnic o Agriculture were firstly accepted students in the academic year 1987/1988 and 1988/1989. Polytechnic of Technology is located in Limau Manih, while Polytechnic of Agricultural campus is located in Tanjungpati, Payakumbuh. The polytechnics education institutions is intended to prepare mid-level expertise which is essential for development.
Faculty of Medicinealso developed themselves by opening Specialist Programs (SP-1 , S-2 level) inculding Department of Surgery, Internal Medicine, and Ophthalmology. The next year (1985 ), Unand opened Graduate Program (S-2) which was colaborated with IPB. In 1992, the Graduate Programs has being independent and in 2000 they began to receive Doctorate Program (S-3) for the Agricultural Sciences , Law , and Animal Husbandry , and Sp-2 for the medic. The first doctorate alumni is Dr.Ir. Isril Berd , M.S. (currently Professor). By the time goes by, Faculty of Economics also began to receive graduate degree for the Master of Management program . Since then, Unand had completely provided all levels of education, including non-degree programs (Diploma) , Undergraduate program (S – 1) , Graduate program (S-2), and Doctoral Program (S-3).
In 2008 Unand developed two departments in two faculties. They were: 1 ) Faculty of Agricultural Technology which developed from department of Agricultural Technology of Faculty of Agriculture, and 2 )Faculty of Pharmacy which formerly Department of Pharmacy of Faculty of Science.
In 2009 , the Faculty of Medicinehad provided Public Health program, Nursing Science Program , Dental Education Program, and Psychology Program . Faculty of Science also opened the Computer Systems deparment. Faculty of Economics opened two deparments, Department of Management and Economic Development in Campus Payakumbuh by using former campus of Faculty of Agriculture in Payakumbuh. The opening of Faculty of Economics Campus in Payakumbuh was supported by Local Government of Payakumbuh .
In 2009 Unand was pointed as financial management institution of Public Service Board based on Decree of Minister of Finance No. 501 / KMK.05 / 2009, dated December 17th, 2009. With this decree, Unand have flexibility in managing financial source from non-tax revenues (PNPB) and the difficulties and obstacles of financial management from private revenues can be gradually overcomed.
In 2012 Unand finnaly has new Organizational and Management Procedures (OTK ) which has been proposed since 2007. The new OTK of Unand is legalized by the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia No. 25/2012 regarding to Organization and Management of Andalas University, dated 18 April 2018 .
This new method could Unand brings a new chapter in the history of Unand . First , the number of faculty increased from 11 to 15 faculty and ad hoc institutions including the School of Pharmacy , Faculty of Agriculture and Technology Graduate Program became a full university institutions . Four new faculty in 2012 is the Faculty of Dentistry , School of Public Health , Faculty of Nursing and Faculty of Information Technology . These four new faculty was inaugurated in 2012 .
Second , nomenclature of assistant rector and assitant dean were changed to vice rector and vice dean. Thirdly, Department of Research and Community Service (LPPM), Department of Educational Development and Quality Assurance (LP3M) and the Department of Information and Communication Technology Development (LPTIK) were officially authorized as full institution which have clear duties and able to support the development of Unand .
Fourth , efficiency of income which comes from the student fee or non-tax revenues to pay for functional allowance of Vice IV of Rector, Head and Secretary of the department, as well as dean and vice deans as well as structural officer Faculty of Pharmacy structural officer and Faculty of Agricultural Technology, and also Director and Vice Director of the Graduate Program. Now the allowance has been paid by using clear source of budget, including functional allowance for heads of Faculty of Dentistry, School of Public Health, Faculty of Nursing, and Department of Information Technology.
Fifth , Polytechnic Agricultural and Polytechnic of Engineering Technology which were under management of Unand should be discharged from Unand structure and become independent institutions. Since the beginning of 2013 have been processed in the separation of assets in accordance with applicable regulations and the name of the institution were changed from Polititeknik (Technology) Unand into Padang State Polytechnic and Politani Unand into Politani Payakumbuh State.
In 2013 Unand has had a new statute . This statute changes have also been proposed since 2007 due to the current statute is not very relevant and not able to accommodate a variety of tuntuan developments . Unand the new Statute stipulated by Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 47 of 2013 , dated 13 April 2013 . Rector In this new statute does not automatically become the chairman of the university senate and not all professors are automatically a member of the university senate . Then professors ( professors ) are accommodated in an organ called the Council of Professors . Senate President and Chairman of the Assembly of Professors first by statute Unand newly appointed in 2013 .
4 . Development Andalas University of Campus Limau Manis
Attempts to unify Unand campuses which spread in several places in Padang has been conducted since Rector Prof.dr. Busyra Zahir (1968-1976). The effort was followed by the Rector , Prof. Drs . Mawardi Jonah. Initially the plan of campus development was in Ulu Gaduik Unand, District Lubuak Kilangan. However, since it’s located near cement factory “PT Semen Padang “, it is likely exposed to pollution. Thus, there were three alternatives instead: Bukit Tambun Tulang (near Anai Valley); Tunggul Hitam (near Airport Tabing); and Bukik Karamuntiang. The most qualified among the three was Bukik Karamuntiang. The location is at Kenagarian Limau Manih , Koto Panjang Village, District Pauah and is located approximately 15 kilometers east of Padang city.
The construction of campus Limau Manih was initiated symbolically by Ministry of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Fuad Hassan to lay the first stone on March 11, 1986. Gradually the building was constructed: rector office, class building, faculties, departments, laboratories, libraries, dormitories, and so on . Up until now the development of the campus and infrastructure are still ongoing, although it was started to be used since 1989.
The first building used was the rectorate, while the first faculty moved in was Faculty of Letters (1990). Then followed: Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Natural Sciences (1991), Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Law (1995). Faculty of Engineering was the latest move from Air Tawar campus which also moved gradually over 7 years (2000-2007). While the Faculty of Medicine has not moved in yet. However, some lectures have been conducted in new building of Faculty of Medicine, Campus Unand Limau Manih since year 2013. Currently is being implemented construction of university hospital located in the Faculty of Medicine in Campus Unand Limau Manih.
Campus Unand Limau Manih was inaugurated by President Soeharto on 4 September 1995. In his inaugural speech , President Soeharto delivered:
“We all hope that the new campus of Andalas University will also provide a new atmosphere to the entire academic community. With this new campus, I expect all of you to work harder and more diligently, so the university is not only produce qualified graduates, but also be able to generate fresh ideas for the development of the nation as well as initiates new discoveries in science and technology. I believe, that the younger generation who are studying in this university, are a new generation with new spirit and desire to continue our predecessors spirit, that is to fullfil our independence with real action, which can give positive impact to all levels of society” .
Campus Unand Limau Manih, covers approximately 500 hectares and is located at an altitude of ± 200 m above sea level. The campus overlooks the city of Padang with views of the blue Indian Ocean stretches to the west. In the eastern is part of Bukit Barisan. While in the North and south sides is the valley with river. The landscape is lush and green, which certainly provides a cozy atmosphere and beautiful natural scenery. Campus Unand Limau Manih is very conducive for learning and researching to explore and develop science and technology for the glory of the nation.
Since 2008 the construction of a new building is done to meet the needs and still continue up until now. The number classes building get increased by three units of building (Building G, H, and I). Then the Graduate Program has had its own building since 2011 and the Faculty of Nursing also got its own building since 2012.
The ongoing constructions are Deanship Building and laboratories of Faculty of Medicine. Although the activities have been initiated since 2013,but the Faculty of Medicine still needs two additional units of laboratory buildings. University which has medical school should provide university hospitals, Unand has also started the construction of university hospital which is expected to use in 2015.
Although campus Unand Limau Manih laid over 500 acres, the area that can be built safely only 135 hectares. The rests are conservation forest area and biomedical forest of Unand, livestock pastures, and valleies . The 135 hectares have almost completelty used as designed in accordance to master plan of development of campus Unand Limau Manih.
5 . Remote Campuses of Andalas University
In order to increase their capacity and utilize assets, Unand has opened remote campuses. Remote campuses are campuses which conducted teaching and learning process outside the main campus which meet to the requirements of Director General of Higher Education. Until now Unand already has two remote campuses, in Payakumbuh (Campus II Unand) and Dharmasraya (Campus III Unand).
Activities of Campus II Unand Payakumbuh has began since 2009 with two programs under management of Faculty of Economics. Both programs are Department of Economic Development and Depatment of Management. Then in 2012 department of Animal Science was opened in campus II Payakumbu. Activities in Campus III Unand Dharmasraya began in 2012 with the opening of department of Argoecotechnology.
6 . Rectors of Andalas University
Since founded in 1956, Andalas University has been led by ten Rectors. However, among the turn of the rectors there were transition in which the current Rector received another assignment from countries such as Governor and Deputy Minister, so they mandated deputy of rector (mandate Rector). Names, dates and positions are mentioned follows:
To fill the transitional period as Rector of while the current rectors gets another task of the state, since Unand has found there are two mandated Rector as follows:
7 . Andalas University Organizational Structure
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 25 of 2012 dated April 18th, 2012 regarding to the Organization and Management of Andalas University predefined organizational and structure Andalas University as follows:
[ 1 ] Name of the Faculty of Law and Public Science was replaced as Faculty of Law in 1983 in accordance to Decree of Minister of Education No. . 0538/O/1983 regarding to the types and number of departments in the faculty within Andalas University.
[ 2 ] University of Andalas is abbreviated as Unand ( old statuta Andalas University and new statuta of the University of Andalas).
[ 3 ] Previously, Prof.Dr.Mr. Muhammad Yamin suggested name Adityawarman University. The name was taken from the name of King Adityawarman who had ruled in Minangkabau. He was lived at the time of Gajah Mada of Majapahit Kingdom and left many inscription (stone basurek) in Tanah Datar.
[ 4 ] The name of Andalas Island due to trees growing on the island which called andalas (Minangkabau : andaleh ; Latin : Morus macroura Miq). It is endemic plants which only grows in Sumatera island. Hence, West Sumatra Government designates it as “Flora Mascot ” of West Sumatra ( asn mentioned in Decree of West Sumatra Governor No. . 522-414-1990, dated August 14th, 1990). (Aswaldi Anwar , ” Plant of Andalas, Mascot Flora of West Sumatra “, Gema Andalas No. 4 Th 11 , 2006) .