Our Vision
We aim to develop future leaders with an international vision, moral character, intellectual ability and deep compassion for humanity based upon Christian belief and values.
Our Goals
- To be true to our foundation by nurturing the development of Christian belief and values, and encouraging the spiritual growth of all members of the community
- To create a strong, vibrant international community which is aware of its global context and the issues which affect it
- To encourage in our students an appreciation of the need to understand, respect, serve and care for other
- To encourage in our students the skills of leadership, teamwork and a personal commitment to service
- To encourage our students to adopt a healthy lifestyle to promote their well-being and to enhance their cultural awareness
- To promote the intellectual development of our students together with the achievement of the best academic qualifications within each student’s capabilities
- To promote a genuine and intrinsic love of learning, and encourage creative, critical and reflective learning, and assist students to communicate their ideas and beliefs in a balanced but clear manner
- To encourage the development of personal standards such as self-discipline, initiative, self-reliance and an entrepreneurial spirit
- To provide a physical environment of the highest quality possible to enhance the education on offer
Our Philosophy
ACS (International) brings an international dimension to the ACS tradition of education. In common with the other ACS schools, we believe that we are all created by God and that he has a purpose for each of us. We are therefore committed to a holistic education – the education of the whole person, body, mind and spirit, in order that God’s will for each of us may be discerned and fulfilled.
We believe that many of the most important truths are learned in community. We aim that in our community each will feel valued and accepted, and encouraged to fulfill their God-given potential.
As an international school we welcome into our community those of all races, all cultures, all religions, and all social backgrounds. We respect the integrity of all and will not consciously do anything that denigrates another’s race, culture, religion or social background or would lead to disharmony. As a Methodist institution, we wish to build a school community based on Christian teaching and beliefs and to put Christian values at the centre of our life together. We shall promote the Christian faith within the school and encourage individuals to take seriously the claims of Christ; Christian worship will be an integral part of the life of the school, and all students and teaching staff will be required to attend all formal services; but we shall also be sensitive to the individual beliefs of our staff and students.
We celebrate the fact that we are an international community in school – currently almost 30 nationalities. We aim to help each student feel proud of their culture and national identity, but also to appreciate the opportunities and challenges that we face as a global community.
Since we are in Singapore it is appropriate that we recognise daily the values that are central to our host country – through honouring the Singapore flag, and standing alongside Singaporeans sharing the national anthem and as they say the pledge. We also each day (as appropriate) recognise one other nationality, honour its flag and share its anthem. In these ways we remind ourselves that we are different nationalities learning to work together towards a world where there is justice, freedom and peace for all.
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