Dover Campus
Dover is an extraordinary community of 3,000 students and more than 300 staff in which there never seems to be a moment where something isn’t happening. Whether in the classroom, taking part in service activities, on the sports field, on expedition, on the stage or on the playground, there is a feeling of extraordinary vibrancy, dynamism and warmth.
The campus has changed considerably over the past few years, but what hasn’t changed is the sense of purpose. At a time when more and more school mission statements talk about holistic education and global awareness, the College’s vision of educating people to embrace challenge and take responsibility for shaping a better world stands out for its power and simplicity. Much of what you will see around the campus is student-driven, reflecting the trust we have in our students to make appropriate decisions and to work to make education a force for a more peaceful and sustainable future.
As I go around the campus, I am often struck by the quality of the relationships between students and staff. These are based on mutual respect, and this without doubt goes some way to explain the outstanding academic results. However, academic results are only part of what we do, and our equal commitment to other areas such as service, outdoor education and activities is what helps to make us who we are.
The individual sections of the website give more in-depth information about the different schools, and I hope that you find these useful. However, if you have a question please do ask!