OB Montessori Center, Las Piñas

OB Montessori Center, Official Site.jpg
Luxembourg Street, B.F. Homes, Las Piñas City
CR346 Nommern Luxembourg 9184 LU


O.B. Montessori Center envisions the emergence of a “new man” who will no longer be the victim of events but, thanks to his clarity of vision, will become able to direct and mold the future of mankind.

The school adheres faithfully to the educational method discovered and propagated through experience by the great Dr. Maria Montessori where MAN becomes the center of education, whose mental growth and development begins at birth. Guided by his “inner teacher”, he can construct himself into a citizen of the world, able to exercise freedom and self-discipline, undistorted by fear.


To help the child help himself – “SEIPSUM FACIT PERSONA” – Man Makes Himself, OBMC’s mission is to transform all students into self-developing individuals by establishing the right relationship between the child and the adult and by providing him with a suitable environment for learning and the skills necessary for him to become independent and productive members of society.

OB Montessori Center, Official Site.jpg 9 years ago
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