The American School is a school with a short history but with a long list of accomplishments. From pre-Kindergarten through grade 12, TAS is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). Our school provides a caring, student-centered environment where the values of tolerance, appreciation and respect for individual differences are highly prized.
Our professional faculty is compassionate, highly trained, energetic, supportive and innovative in providing quality, research-based programs and curriculum. The school’s Expected School Wide Learning Results permeate our curriculum and instruction. We focus on vital academic skills which include communication, critical thinking, technological literacy, research, creativity, and independent learning. A major focus at TAS is our commitment to instill the desire to strive for excellence while maintaining respect for self and others. Our focus on nurturing ethical behavior, creative expression, physical endeavor and cooperative social interaction ensures that TAS emphasizes the fullest development of mind, body and spirit.
The American School provides myriad opportunities for students from over 25 different nations throughout the world. With an emphasis on educating the whole child, students at TAS participate in an academically rigorous and enriched program that also provides a broad range of opportunities in curricular and extracurricular activities. Our programs are structured to meet the differing needs of students in a safe environment where diversity is honored. TAS students reach out to serve others through various programs, such as our students’ involvement with Global Issues Network (GIN) and Heartbeat Vietnam. These programs help support our students in being outstanding global citizens. Additionally, TAS demonstrates a broad range of care with a dedicated staff, excellent educators, and supportive parents who work together to create an environment that supports our mission, vision and Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs).
We firmly believe that quality education is based on the strong partnership between home and school. You entrust to us the education of your child; it is a trust that we take very seriously. We encourage parents to become an integral part of the many opportunities for parent involvement at TAS. We encourage all of you to join the Parent Association and to become as involved as possible in the education of your children.
TAS equips its students with the skills necessary to be caring, independent, productive and responsible citizens, confidently ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. Welcome to The American School!
Warmest Regards,
Garth Andrew O’Donnell
Academic Director and Middle and High School Principal