Asean schools and teaching jobs > Archives for Sataban

Author name: Sataban

Pattaya 5 Government School

One more 7 year old student hit on the face by ruthless Thai teacher

Once more, another story from a non educated Thai teacher using violence in the classroom. That is one more sad event among so many in Thailand… And yet, week after week, month after month, year after year, disregarding of Thai social media and news denouncing such behavior, nothing changes. It just seems to repeat itself […]

One more 7 year old student hit on the face by ruthless Thai teacher Read More »

Thai School Experiments in Militarized Fascism: Thai Kindergartners in Military Uniforms and The Third Wave

John Draper That kindergarten children have been taught discipline by wearing military uniforms, drilling, and practicing Nazi salutes in any other country should have immediately triggered a rescue operation by social services, involving psychiatric care and deprogramming. In Thailand, however, the central administration has praised the school. At least some Thai people have noted with

Thai School Experiments in Militarized Fascism: Thai Kindergartners in Military Uniforms and The Third Wave Read More »


Outil de Notation et d’Évaluation Chromatique (ONEC)

> Une Autre Façon de Concevoir l’Évaluation et la Notation dans l’Enseignement Général et l’Éducation Nationale 1. Avant-propos Le système d’évaluation et de notation mis en place par les différents gouvernements du monde entier est largement le même si ce n’est à quelques différences près concernant le dénominateur maximum allant généralement de 5 à 100

Outil de Notation et d’Évaluation Chromatique (ONEC) Read More »

Thai Culture Course Into Figures

In 2015, out of 183 qualified applicants and candidates who attended the Thai Culture Course held at Burapha University, 75% were Asians, 20% were Africans, and 5% were Americans, Europeans, Australians and South-Africans. Most of Asian teachers present at the Foreign Teacher Training were Filipinos. African teachers were mostly Cameroonians or Ugandans. “Farang” teachers were

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Thai Culture Course: Baloney at a Thai University!

Here is a story from a teacher working in Thailand: “I am a qualified educator from the State of California but since I have been working in Thailand as a teacher I have been asked to apply for a teaching waiver due to the simple reason that my California teaching permit was not “beautiful” enough

Thai Culture Course: Baloney at a Thai University! Read More »

Education Recruitment in Thailand: Who to Trust?

Due to severe defamation laws it is forbidden to write negative comments or reviews in Thailand. Therefore, a collective of teachers have decided to create a list of trustful recruiters, agencies, and schools. Here are the known data regarding schools that can be trusted and do hire you when they say they will hire you,

Education Recruitment in Thailand: Who to Trust? Read More »

A Children Book: The Story of Tongdaeng or the Allegory of a Nation

The French students have “The Little Prince” written by St-Exupery and the Thais have “The Story of TongDaeng” written by His Majesty the King of Thailand. It is both a unique and interesting book; unique as this is the biography of a stray dog that the King took home and took good care of all

A Children Book: The Story of Tongdaeng or the Allegory of a Nation Read More »